Thursday, June 3, 2010

PICTURESQUE-what nature unfolds.

THE ARAL SEA- in its death bed.

Only a stretch remains of what was once the world's fourth largest inland sea.The name roughly translates as "SEA OF ISLANDS" referring to the 1500 islands that once dotted its waters.The Aral sea has been steadily shrinking since the 1960's after the rivers that fed it were diverted by soviet union irrigation projects.Today the Aral sea contains only a quarter of the amount of water it had in the 1960's.By 2020, it could completely disappear.                   
The sea is drying up because the inlets that feed it were diverted for cotton production.As a result, Uzbeikistan had become the world's second largest exporter of cotton during soviet times thereby plundering the water resource.
Other countries are also siphoning off the water for agriculture.Also due to the alarming warming up of the earth its evaporating faster than what would be normally expected.,
With the drying up of the sea, the region's climate has changed dramatically.
The ecosystem of The Aral sea and surrounding river deltas has been nearly destroyed.The receding sea has left huge plains covered in salt and other toxic chemicals-the results of  weapons testing,industrial projects, pesticides and fertiliser run-off.these tend to be picked up and carried away by the wind as toxic dust to the surrounding areas.The land around the sea is heavily polluted and people living in the area are suffering from lack of freshwater and health problems.There are high rates of  certain cancer and lung diseases.Respiratory illnesses including DRUG -RESISTANT TUBERCULOSIS,cancer ,digestive diseases,anaemia and infectious diseases.Liver,kidney and eye problems can also be strributed to the toxic dust storms.Crops in the region get destroyed due to the deposited salt.The regions face much hotter and colder climate with significantly less rainfall and frequent sandstorms.In addition to the people made a living here by fishing and now find themselves on the roads.The boats scattered about the areas were there was once water tell their sorrow tale.Hence, many people have already left the region due to the desertification of the surrounding area.

GREEN FACTS- Ideas for life.

Taking a coffee mug to your workplace will reduce the number of disposable cups used.

IDEAS FOR LIFE- disposal of old medicines.

  • Do not flush old medicines down the toilet or drain unless the information accompanying the medication specifically states that you can do so.
  • Contact your local pharmacy and check for DRUG TAKE -BACK    programmes.These programmes ensure the proper disposal of the medicines usually through incineration.    ( N.B: Also ensure that the pharmacy can be trusted with the old medicines to avoid expired medicines from looming  back into the market.)
  • Contact local waste department as they may offer a drop- off  facility or may direct you to services that does.
  • Do not attempt to incinerate in your houses as the gases which are released during the incineration are potential health hazards.


Old medicine is more hazardous than the usually contemplated level.Old medicines are a common household occurence and the method of disposal we usually sort to is to either flush them down the toilet or just throw them with other household wastes.This act of poor disposal is hazardous in many ways.Its not the packaging but the drugs themselves.Old, post-expiry medicines should be considered as a HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE and careful consideration given to their disposal.The sewage treatment plants are not capable of flushing out the drugs and hence they wind up in our waterways.